Fernie Freestyle Ski Club (FFSC) expects its athletes, coaches and parents to behave in a courteous, sportsmanlike and appropriate manner at all times or cause any undue stress to other athletes, coaches, parents or the general public. Athletes, coaches and parents are required to review and sign this Code of Conduct prior to taking part in any FFSC programs.
Fernie Freestyle Ski Club Mission Statement: “Fun, Friends and Fitness”
FFSC’s goal is to develop our athletes into skiers for life through freestyle skiing programs that focus on skills in a fun, safe and challenging environment. Athletes are guided through this development by experienced FFSC coaches certified by Freestyle Canada. . Our program is based on Can Freestyle’s “Long Term Athlete Development Plan”, outlined by the Freestyle Canada, and we offer programs that allow skiers to progress their freestyle skills with the Club.
“A Strong and Vibrant Community”
FFSC’s secondary objective is to create a strong and vibrant community of athletes, coaches and parents. Our community is built through positive participation by athletes, coaches and parents in weekly training, competitions, social events and volunteer efforts.
Athlete Responsibilities:
1. Learn, train and compete under the direction of FFSC professional coaches, in order to develop skills, improve physical condition, and prepare for competitions.
2. Clearly communicate personal goals and objectives for the season with the coaches and regularly review performance against goals. Adjusting those goals as required or advised.
3. Respect and honour direction, decisions or other policies which may be developed and communicated by FFSC and coaches.
4. Wear a helmet during all ski training on snow, water ramping or air bag.
5. Recognize personal limits, refraining from performing tricks for which the athlete is not physically or mentally prepared, qualified or has otherwise has been advised against performing..
6. Ensure equipment is in sound working condition and suitably selected for terrain.
7. Always ski under control and at a safe speed so as not to scare or endanger other skiers. Athletes must obey all posted mountain signs and all verbal or written instructions received from the ski patrol, coaches or ski area employees.
8. Refrain from alcohol, illegal drugs, banned performance enhancing drugs or supplements and from abusing prescription drugs at all FFSC training, comps and events. The use of vaporizers or tobacco will not be tolerated.
9. Address all concerns about individual or fellow athlete safety directly with a coach or parent.
10. Act as an ambassador for FFSC and the sport of skiing by presenting oneself honourably and with integrity on and off the hill. Show courtesy and cooperation with coaches, fellow athletes, parents, officials and the general public at all times.
11. The use of profane language while representing FFSC will not be tolerated.
12. Respect ski and training facility property and equipment; ensuring bags, gear, personal items and garbage are correctly stored or managed.
13. Assume responsibility for any damage caused directly, or indirectly, to any training facility, competition venue or accommodation.
14. Read understand and comply equally to the Canadian Freestyle Ski Association’s Code of Conduct.
Parent Responsibilities:
1. Advocate for their athlete’s best interests as they enter, participate in and exit from the sport.
2. Promote and support athlete attendance at all required club activities and functions.
4. Communicate respectively with athletes, coaches, Head Coach and Board Directors.
5. In the case of program or coaching concerns communicate concerns with FFSC’s appointed, Parent Liaison. Raising concerns or complaints directly with coaches or Head Coach will not be tolerated. 6. FFSC is a volunteer run organization and participation by all parents in supporting FFSC is a requirement.
7. Commit to specified fundraising activities that FFSC undertakes. (Refer to Volunteer Requirement sheet)
8. Respect training boundaries. Parents must not interfere with the coaching of the athletes and must remain outside of all defined training boundaries.
9. Communicate to coaches or Head Coach any needs or changes arising from the athlete’s personal life that may affect performance or behavior as the parent sees fit.
10. Act as an ambassador for FFSC and the sport of freestyle skiing by presenting oneself with integrity on and off the hill by showing courtesy and cooperation with coaches, athletes, fellow parents, officials and employees or the general public of all ski areas..
11. Respect and honour direction, decisions or other policies which may be developed and communicated by the FFSC or coaching staff.
Coach Responsibilities:
1. Commit 100% to the program, training and comp schedules and to coaching toward the personal goals of all athletes.
2. Ensure athlete safety at all times.
3. Set a positive example for athletes through timeliness, readiness to ski, condition of equipment and positive attitude.
4. Coach the athletes attending equally to all athletes sing all development tools available.
5. Ensure athlete personal goals are obtainable, reevaluating and adjusting goals with the athlete as required throughout the season.
6. Being a multi-disciplined club, communicate to your athletes the required equipment the day prior to training
7. Act as an ambassador for FFSC and the sport of freestyle skiing with integrity on and off the hill by showing courtesy and cooperation with fellow coaches, athletes, parents, officials and the general public.
8. Act in accordance with the athlete’s Code of Conduct as well as Freestyle Canada’s Code of Conduct
9. Refrain from alcohol, illegal drugs, banned substances and from abusing prescription drugs at all FFSC training, comps and events. The use of vaporizers or tobacco will not be tolerated.
10. Refrain from the use of profane language at all times.
Board of Directors and Head Coach:
- Develop policy and procedures to ensure athlete and coach development is safe and in their best interest.
- Promote, foster and develop program philosophy and FFSC culture for the betterment of all athletes and encouraging active parent involvement in volunteering. Ensure that the program is well clearly defined and communicated and understood by all parties and is available to all members.
- Employ a qualified, capable and respected team of professional coaches to carry out program.
- Conduct the affairs of FFSC in an ethical, financially responsible and transparent manner.
Athletes, parents, coaches, and Head Coach must agree to the outlined responsibilities and understand that Fernie Freestyle Ski Club Board of Directors has developed this Code of Conduct to promote and protect the athletes, the FFSC team and brand, the ski areas at which we train and compete and wider ski community at large
All agree that any infringement of the above Code of Conduct responsibilities is grounds for disciplinary action from discussion and warnings through dismissal from events or from all activities for the remainder of the season, as follows:
- FFFSC will advise the athlete or other party when there has been a Code of Conduct violation, stating specifically the nature of the violation and what can be expected for a reprimand. Factors for consideration include the violation, age of the athlete or position of the violator and the details of the incident.
- If a problem persists after a warning, a meeting between athlete, parent, Head Coach, or coach will be set. A plan will be developed to assist and monitor the party for the desired correction. Regular progress reports will be made to all parties.
- Should the infraction not be reconcilable, FFSC reserves several discretionary options, which include disallowing further training and/or competition for a given day, week or a longer suspension period to dismissal or expulsion from the program. Parties who wish to further discuss or appeal such a decision will meet with a Committee appointed by the FFSC Board of Directors.